
Part 1 - Planning Tools

click the Add A To-Do List box and a free-form text box appears at the bottom of the screen

Part 1 - Planning Tools

click the Restart button to clear out your grid and start over.

Part 1 - Planning Tools

click the Analysis button and an analysis of your DPlan will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Part 1 - Planning Tools

The D-Planner will tell you when a selection could affect your Visa. However, you need to understand the consequences of your choices. The D-Planner will keep track of warnings in the warnings box underneath the grid. Feel free to play around, and the D-Planner will let you know what extra steps you may need to take!

Part 2 - The Grid

Enter a Title, Preference, and expected Term of graduation

Part 3 - The Terms

R: you are enrolled and studying on the Dartmouth College campus

O: you are enrolled and studying on an LSA or FSP through Dartmouth College

X: you are enrolled and studying on an official exchange program through Dartmouth College

T(S): you are enrolled and studying on an independent transfer term at a college approved by Dartmouth for credit, and approved by OVIS for SEVIS status

Part 3 - The Terms

L(Earned): Off-term taken only following 3 terms of R, O, or X. You may stay in the U.S. or leave but cannot work anywhere in the U.S. except for a Dartmouth College paycheck

L(OPT): you have requested OPT and may work in the U.S. in their field of study

L-DI CPT: Available to students with a declared major. The divisional internship must occur during a student's earned leave term. Enrollment in the DI course will take place during the R/O/X term immediately following the leave term

Part 3 - The Terms

L(Unearned): Off-term taken following less than 3 terms of R, O, or X.

L(LoA): A term of Leave of Absence. I-20 will be terminated, visa status is lost, but you will take an R term in the next term and will request reactivation of your I-20

Part 4 - Drag and Drop!

To move items from the boxes onto the grid, just drag and drop - it's that simple.

Part 5 - Explore!

Don't be afraid to explore and try new things!

Get Started

Part 6 - Print and Discuss with Ovis

When you have a DPlan you would like to save, use the print function or take a screen shot of your grid to bring in for discussion with OVIS.

Get Started